I intend to keep a what were you doing when you heard who won? I had just finished an early morning cleaning job...(had the radio on all the time), found myself crying...good grief I am british, pull yourself together! Proceeded to text all my american friends here with a happy obama day text.
chicken little
JoinedPosts by chicken little
Proud of Americans
by chicken little ini am british, living in scandanavia.
i have the deepest respect for the democratic process in the us.
the historic election last night will be remembered by all who watched and waited for the result.
Proud of Americans
by chicken little ini am british, living in scandanavia.
i have the deepest respect for the democratic process in the us.
the historic election last night will be remembered by all who watched and waited for the result.
chicken little
I am british, living in scandanavia. I have the deepest respect for the democratic process in the US. The historic election last night will be remembered by all who watched and waited for the result. This election has made history in many ways. Young people have proved that they are not apathetic to what is going on around them, they took part. Older people did not tire out, give up...they went for innovation. The deep wounds of the past have been finally covered in the US...wow to try to imagine the deep emotions of elderly afro-americans witnessing something so unbelievable just a few years back.
I take my hat off to you all....amazing, touching, motivating and exceptional. You are quite a people.
Chicken Little
Do JW's watch movies in their homes which they would not watch in theatres?
by gaiagirl injw's sometimes speak about how they don't wish to "stumble" non-jw's or cast a bad light upon the organization.
do jw's watch movies at home which they would not want non-jw's to observe them watching in a theatre?.
if they do, do you feel that they are really concerned about what the non-jw's think, or are they more concerned with being observed by other jw's?
chicken little
I remember when Twin Peaks was all the rage....I freaked just at the music...still do actually...yet many were really into it despite the sex, spiritistic overtures. I used to wonder what went through their heads when we were at DC and warned about this kind of viewing...now I know...wheres the zapper...I need to switch this guy off.
Did you dress modestly when attending CA's & DA's?
by Quirky1 injust wondering if you were modest in your attire?
i know they always preached modesy but always seen a lot of bling, bright & colorful outfits and way overdone makeup and hair styles.
and they knew it!
chicken little
Always modest outwardly...never wore knickers though....used to crease my hubby up. Sat behind a sister once in a backless slinky red dress...when she got up to do the walz to the loos, every male head in our section moved to the right...then back to the front after being dug in the ribs by their mates...haha..very funny. Heard counsel from the platform about sisters not giving the brothers a hard time (sorry about the pun) by wearing revealing clothing. I was cured of the new outfit for every day of the convention when I had our first baby, two months old and throwing up all over me...... We were volunteers on the book cover desk for years at Twickenham, England...we looked out onto the outside concourse...it was full of the cruisers and headlights...wow did they think they were something. Still on reflection what else was there to do if you wanted to catch a mate while you still had some looks?
Those were the days....oh just remembered I was know as the girl with the odd coloured, patterned stockings....loved Mary Quant, flowers, bright stripes you name it....not looked on with approval in a small cong.
chicken little
i was a full time preacher who else did ?
by mattbetrayed ini did the full time min from school even though i could have gone to drama school.what a wast of my time and life!!!!!!!!!!!!
!iam happy to say that i came to my senses and went back to school and became a nurse,very happy i did my wife is still a jw but she stopped the pioing and she to became a nurse.. i will make sure my kids dont get temped to be encouraged to do that wast of time.as the wife still goes,and my mom and dad and sisters still go.. anyway would love to know what others who were pioneers felt of it and what doing now,please tell..
chicken little
Hej Mat,
My hubby was reg pioneer for 14 years, I was vacation pioneer at 13yrs every holiday, 75hrs, then reg pioneer for 8yrs. Pioneered through pregnancy until little one was 11months (resigned as the elders said I was not getting my time in...I missed the 1000 by about 50). Even pioneered again when we had two kids for a year...stopped because my husband had a depression. It filled a need to be wanted and to be of assistance to people. I always without fail came in contact with women with severe depression or problems.. they were the ones I could help. Now I realise that I should have sent them to a doctor or social worker not into the Jw prison.
I think that the pioneering name tag is just to give it a ring of importance that some love to show off with. When I was growing up if you were not a pioneer you were nothing in the cong. It was like being admitted to the fast track when I joined up...suddenly pioneer brothers were interested in me...wow...must be me! I was so terrified to reveal my doubts and weakness, I must always be strong and positive. Served in inner city cong were there was so much poverty and the pioneering thing gave a feeling of accomplishment amid so much dispair. The ministry seems worthwhile when you are in that kind of an environment...everyone is in the same boat and nobody has anything else...so you go out in the service.
I accept my choices....I made them...but I am glad I am out of it and with my eyes wide open now.
Hope you are doing well
Love chicken little
Thank You Simon and friends...you were such an aid in troubled times.
by chicken little inno matter how much the site will be missed the fact remains that many like myself would still be trapped in the jw jail if we had not found this site.
thank you, thank you, simon and friends for all the time, energy and love you have invested.
it has been much appreciated.. with love .
chicken little
No matter how much the site will be missed the fact remains that many like myself would still be trapped in the Jw jail if we had not found this site. Thank you, thank you, Simon and friends for all the time, energy and love you have invested. It has been much appreciated.
With love
Chicken little
I have always wondered about this....
by Iwonder17 inwhat happeded to all of the people between the time that jesus was on the earth until russell?.
if the gb is god's only means of communication, then how did those people receive instruction during their time period?
are they now all lost forever?.
chicken little
I dont remember the wt saying that these ones are in heaven. I got the idea they will be part of the great ressurrection on earth after armaggedon...they cant be the 144,000 as there are far too many of them. I never understood this reasoning. Did the bibles message of heavenly life apply only to those alive in the apostles lifetime? When the apostacy came after the death of John did no one qualify for heavenly life, or just a few? What about all the christians thrown to the lions etc. during the roman persecution before Constantine "converted"? There were hundreds of thousands by that time who were christians. We were just told that God had been choosing a few from among all generations. Then why bother with the bible? If it was so few why not just find another way of picking them...why have the message written down as if everyone who read it had the chance of life in heaven?
September 2008 WT request
by CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter indoes anyone have a scan of the public wt that can be shared?
chicken little
The September 08 public watchtower has a question from readers that tries to explain why we do not know the way in which Gods name was pronounced. I think it is odd that they say that Jesus would have used Gods name, obviously correctly, to his disciples. Then how come those disciples didnt write it down correctly in the language that they used at the time? Greek. How come the scriptures were written in greek and yet there is no attempt as with Jehovah to make a name that sounds like JHWH? Odd.
JWs and the Mentally Challenged
by almostbitten ini know three women from the local kh (one is a distant relative of mine) who call on my uncle for bible study.
problem is, he has alzheimer's disease--and they were told about this!!!
still, they've been doing studies with him until my aunt (his wife) told them to stop coming by.
chicken little
Right... now you are on a topic that makes my blood boil! I have always had a problem with jw attitude towards the mentally challanged and the mentally sick. I used to constantly point out that God will not kill such ones at Armaggedon because to do so would be murdering an innocent. I always got sheepish looks and was told God sees the hearts. So I would state in my anwsers at the book study that after the big A we would be looking after millions of such ones until God restored them to health (hopefully quickly), nobody dared to contradict but at the same time couldnt quite join in as it is not wt doctrine.
So even though there are individual jws who are kind and caring to such ones..the organization ignores them and does not state clearly that these ones will survive armaggedon and get a chance to live a normal life. I get mad! There are millions and millions in this catagory.
Limiting comments by kids during WT Study
by navytownroger ini was told recently by a ministerial servant that the word had come down from above that from now on only two comments by children will be allowed during the wt study.
the reason: the meetings are geared to adults, not children.
has anyone else heard of this policy??
chicken little
Personally I think that hearing the kids is the only highlight of a meeting....most are canned anwsers but still they can be funny. We always studied the watchtower with our kids freestyle...then we let them loose with their own anwsers....on one discussion of headship principle the question was asked..so who does not have a head? My son shot up his hand and said John the baptiser....we all cracked up.
Still I am glad we stopped before the awful ORAL study took place...I would have not wanted my children to hear that information or to even attempt to anwser any questions. I can honestly say our kids were open and had the chance to say no if they didnt want to take part...just glad we woke up and dont have to put then through learning rubbish by rote.
chicken little